Hewland Classic

manuals Manuals

Please feel free to use these manuals to help you get to know inside your gearbox better and increase your understanding of how it works and what you need.

We are slowly updating the manuals as most of them are from the time when these gearboxes were new and there have been updates and revisions from the original design. Please be patient if you are having to use one of the original ones.



(Please note the FT200 FG400, FGA and FGB share the same manual so please make sure to read the appropriate section for your gearbox.)


The Hewland/Hewland Classic products and transmissions which are detailed herein are intended to be used in motorsport activities and are therefore subject to the following warning:

A) Hewland/Hewland Classic products are intended for use in or as high speed and high performance racing vehicles. The racing of high speed and high performance vehicles can be a very hazardous activity and therefore involves a high risk of personal injury or even death. Hewland Classic products will not withstand all foreseeable impacts during their normal intended use in or as a racing vehicle without the likelihood of serious personal injury or death to the driver and/or passenger(s) or of damage to the Hewland/Hewland Classic products themselves which may impact the products performance and safe use.

B) Hewland/Hewland Classic products should only be driven or used:
1. By a driver with the requisite training, skill and experience necessary both for the conditions under which the products are to be used and for the racing of high speed and high performance vehicles
2. On specially designed racing tracks and under the supervision of official and approved racing organisations or otherwise under proper and reasonable operating conditions supported by appropriate safety, medical and rescue services
3. With proper maintenance and repairs effected to parts and gearboxes as all parts and gearboxes, being mechanical devices, are inherently subject to wear and tear, fatigue or disintegration and/or damage due to collision or improper use.


The information and/or graphics presented in this Hewland Gearbox Service Manual may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes and/or improvements may also be made to the information presented herein without notice at any time. Hewland Classic Limited makes no representations about the suitability, reliability, availability, timeliness or accuracy of the information and/or graphics presented herein. All such information and/or graphics are provided on an “AS IS” basis without warranty, representation or guarantee of any kind, express or implied. Hewland Classic Limited hereby disclaims, to the fullest extent permitted under law, all warranties and conditions with regard to this information and/or graphics, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and workmanlike effort.

The user of the information and/or graphics contained in this Hewland Gearbox Service Manual is solely responsible for its use. If the user is dissatisfied with any such information and or graphics, or with the terms of use, the user’s sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the information and/or graphics. In no event shall Hewland Classic Limited be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages whatsoever, including without limitation, damages for accident, injury, property damage, loss of use, loss of data or loss of profits (whether such damages are based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, even if Hewland Classic Limited has been advised of the possibility of damages arising), arising out of or in any way connected with:
1. the use or performance of the information and/or graphics presented in this Hewland Gearbox Manual
2. any inability to use such information and/or graphics,
3. any other use of such information and/or graphics.